The Year of 2013

Created by Julie 10 years ago
This year has been a up and down year since the passing of our mam peter, she went into hospital in february and never came out,it was one of the most hardest things I had seen, and because I used to go and help her and take her out in the wheel chair, I often see her around me now, and I know she is there close to me, I used to think it was hard when you lose someone young, but I think it is also hard when there older, I mean mam was nearly 82, but I had her in my life for 56 years, she did everything to help me, and she did everything to help you and the kids in there time of need. Our mam would of given her last to anyone, in yet she suffered for years in health problems, I cannot understand this world sometimes, and she used to sit and write poems everyday, our mam was talented and I have self published her poems, and may even one day have them published properly, and when you think back both our parents were talented and we were brought up properly, even though the sad times. My Memories of you all with stay with me for ever. Love Juliexx